Love Recycled
SPREADING lovE TO THOSE less fortunate
We all know what recycling is, the practice of reusing items that would otherwise be discarded as waste. To many people this is how the homeless is seen, as waste, no longer useful. Many people pass by the homeless everyday as if they're invisible, as if they don't exist, or as if they aren't human. The homeless are increasingly flooding every street corner but are becoming just the norm to some people and so they scurry pass them and don't even think twice about it. Little do they know that God sees them differently...
“He lifts the poor from the dust. He lifts those in need from the ashes. He makes them sit with rulers and receive a seat of honor. For what holds the earth belongs to the Lord. He has set the world in its place.”
God overwhelmingly cares for and lifts up the poor and expects us to do the same. He knows they still have a purpose so He works to recycle what's been damaged and ultimately renew their lives. There are a ton of scriptures in the Bible that speak to that. You can find a few of them Here. But not only must we care for the poor, we must also realize that we play a very important role in how our children treat them. Our children mimic what they see and if they see us treating them badly, naturally they will do the same. On the flipside, there are those of you whose hearts grow heavy with sadness at the sight of the homeless. You wish you could do more, but feel like the occasional 2 - 3 dollars every other day is barely scratching the surface. At least that's how I feel. I may give $1 on one day and $5 on another but I want to do better. I want to do better so that I can be of more help to the poor, and also to be an example for my daughter so that she can do the same as she gets older. So I invite you to journey with me as I work to be better prepared at helping those less fortunate than myself.
Make Blessing Bags
Sometimes giving money is not enough. Putting together a care package for the homeless can go a long way. Below are a few travel sized items that you can include. Make at least 3-5 bags to keep in your car to start with.
Soap & Towel | Toothpaste & Toothbrush | Deodorant | Wipes | Socks | Hat & Gloves (for the winter months) | Plastic Rain Coat | Granola Bar | Chex Mix | Crackers | Gift Card to a Nearby Restaurant | Small Toy (if kids are involved) | Note of Encouragement
Treat the homeless Like People
Being homeless is already hard enough. They don't have any money, food, or a place to stay, to say the least. But to feel like they don't exist; constantly being ignored and judged on a daily basis is what tips a lot of them over the edge. Let them know you care by simply saying "Hi". Here are a few questions you can ask to spark up a conversation. You'll be amazed at how your heart will begin to open up and see them for who they really are. The way God sees them.
1. What's your name?
2. How's your day going so far?
3. How can I help you?
4. Do you have family?
5. How can I pray for you?
Donate or volunteer
There are lots of opportunities to volunteer your time to serve those in need. Locate your local shelter and see where you could be of assistance. The next time you're cleaning out your closet take the clothes that are in good condition, box them up, and take them to your closest drop box location. Some of you may have professional skills that you could also offer such as clerical, resume writing, etc. You may even have a particular hobby that you're great at such as art, music, interior design, etc. God gave you those gifts for a reason. To serve others and expand God's Kingdom. Think twice before you throw something away and always be on the lookout for ways to give. The things we may consider useless could impact the lives of the homeless forever.
Pray For the homeless
Prayer Changes Things so as we get on our knees each night and make our requests known to God, begin including the safety and well-being of the homeless. Pray that God gives them the strength they need to make it through the day. Pray that He surround them with the safety and help that they need to better themselves. Pray that He continuously softens your heart towards them so that you can consistently do what you can to help.
One verse that always stands out to me is Mark 10:45 "For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, " This reminds me that if Jesus - King of Kings and Lord of Lords - came to this world to serve others then I should have no problem doing the same.
Written By Nakisha Jackson // Edited By Marilyn Bradford